Two to go...

Well today was my original surgery date. But that got changed rather quickly so I am left with two days to go before heading to the hospital. As I write this, I am probably 48 hours away from being under the knife.

I'm not consciously worried or anxious about the procedure. But apparently it is messing with my subconscious mind. Last night, for example, I woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and could not go back to sleep. After 90 or so minutes of staring at the ceiling and trying to stop my mind from wandering, I finally grabbed the iPod and headphones and turned on some music. At some point, I think I dozed off again, but I'm not 100% positive.

Granted there is more going on inmy life than just the surgery. As I talked about a few days ago in the post entitled Life's Stress, I have some other issues going on that are bringing stress into my life. Maybe it is one of those issues that was keeping me up as well. I don't really know.

I was able to head off a bit of stress unexpectedly last night. My mom came in to help me during the recovery period so after we went grocery shopping last night, I showed her how to get to the hospital. Good thing, too...there is a road construction project near the hospital that required changing the route I would have normally taken. Better to know that now than to find out the day of the surgery and have to figure it out on-the-fly.

I've also been delving into the Gastric Sleeve forum to connect with other people getting sleeved and to learn from those who have gone through the procedure already. It is so good to read the comments from other people and to learn about their successful procedures. Always a good thing to put my mind further at ease.

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