Just a few, quick thoughts

Looking back at yesterday, there are a couple of things I want to get off my chest. I hope you're all listening.

First, to all the guys reading this, lose the macho bullsh*t and go get a physical. I know a lot of guys would carry around their wife's purse than set foot in a doctor's office. But it is imperative that we take care of our bodies. We only get one body to go through life with. Yes, we can transform this body, but we can't upgrade it or trade it in for next year's model. This is the only one we have. Look at it this way, fellas, when your car acts up, you take it to the mechanic. Well, let's start treating our body like that classic 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air (or, if you prefer, a 2011 Bugatti) and start paying attention to the engine (our heart), the fuel system (nutrition), the tires (our mobility), and -- yes -- even the exhaust system (our prostate). We've gotta do this, guys, or else the body we have been given is gonna crap out on us and leave us hanging.

Secondly, as I walked from my office out to my car yesterday afternoon, I passed a handful of vehicles with bike racks on the back of them. If you are taking to the streets and jogging, running, cycling, or otherwise exercising outside in the heat that has been settling in over the Midwestern Untied States, then, please, make sure you stay hydrated. Yes, sports recovery drinks (such as Gatorade and Powerade) have their benefits, but don't forget about good, old-fashioned water. We as humans are composed of approximately 70% water. And out system is -- at its core -- an electrical system which needs that water to transmit information, to transport resources on a cellular level, to regenerate injured and dying tissue, and to optimize mental acuity. So don't neglect the wet stuff, boys and girls. Aim to get at least 64 ounces of water intake every day.

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